Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Test: Purpose, Procedure, and Risks
A ferritina foi de ,2 ng/mL (20 até 336 ng/mL). O fibrinogênio foi de 179 mg/dL (180 a 350 mg/dL), colesterol de 108 mg/dL (inferior a 200), triglicerídios de 221 mg/dL (até 200 mg/dL). As sorologias para hepatites A, B e C, toxoplasmose, citomegalovírus, parvovírus B19, HIV I e II foram negativas. A sorologia pelo ensaio imunoenzimático para o vírus Epstein-Barr foi IgM positiva de UI/mL (reativo > 40 UI/mL). Foi realizada uma biópsia de medula óssea que revelou a hemofagocitose (Figura 1). A Mononucleose infecciosa também conhecida como a doença do beijo é causada por um vírus chamado Epstein-Barr, quando o organismo entra em contato com esse vírus o sistema imunológico produz proteínas chamadas anticorpos, que irão combater o vírus no corpo. Esses anticorpos são produzidos para combater diferentes partes do vírus. Este exame serve para detectar os anticorpos que são produzidos contra os antígenos nucleares do Epstein-Barr para saber em qual período da doença está em relação a essa infecção. Up to 98 of all patients with IM have sore throat, lymphadenopathy, fever, fatigue, and tonsillar ,13 Pharyngeal inflammation (85) and transient palatal petechiae (50) are also Bilateral posterior cervical lymphadenopathy is typical, but anterior cervical lymphadenopathy is possible.8 Children can present with nonspecific or no symptoms, which can lead to missed diagnoses.1,8,11 A 2013 study of college students demonstrated that sore throat (93), cervical lymphadenopathy (76), and fatigue (66) were the most common symptoms in students who developed symptomatic primary IM.6 Adults older than 60 years have a higher rate of jaundice (26 vs. 8 in young adults) and are less likely to present with lymph-adenopathy, sore throat, and ,1315
É mais conhecido como a causa damononucleose infecciosa(febre glandular). Também está associada com determinadas formas decâncer, como olinfoma de Hodgkin,linfoma de Burkitt, carcinoma de nasofaringe e condições associadas com ovírus da imunodeficiência humana(HIV), tais comoleucoplasia pilosaelinfomasdosistema nervoso central. Há evidências de que a infecção com o vírus está associado com um maior risco de certas doenças auto-imunes,em especial adermatomiosite,lúpus eritematoso sistêmico,artrite reumatoide,síndrome de Sjögren eesclerose múltipla. A maioria das pessoas são infectadas com VEB e ganhamimunidade adaptativa. Muitas crianças são infectadas com o vírus, e essas infecções normalmente não causam sintomas ou são indistinguíveis das outras infecções amenas, breves doenças da infância. A PCR é um dos métodos mais sensíveis para adetecção do genoma viral. A síndrome de ativação macrofágica (SAM) ou síndrome hemofagocítica secundária (reativa) consiste de uma rara, grave e potencialmente fatal complicação das doenças reumáticas crônicas, particularmente da artrite idiopática juvenil de início sistêmico, doença de Still do adulto e lúpus eritematoso sistêmico.
What is the Epstein-Barr virus test?
Em diversas séries de estudo, a hiperferritinemia superior a µg/L e a elevação da lactato desidrogenase superior a UI/L (conforme este caso) foram observadas em 90 e 89,7 dos pacientes, respectivamente(8). A velocidade de hemossedimentação (VHS) foi de 40 mm/hora e o fator antinúcleo (FAN), fator reumatóide (FR), anticorpo anticitoplasma de neutrófilo (Anca), anti-DNA de dupla hélice, anti-Ro, anti-La, anti-Sm, anti-RNP, VDRL, anticoagulante lúpico, anticorpo anticardiolipina IgG e IgM, crioglobulinas, Coombs direto e indireto foram todos negativos. O complemento era normal. O ferro sérico, a capacidade de combinação do ferro, ácido fólico sérico, vitamina B12 sérica e atividade glicose 6 fosfato desidrogenase eram normais. A eletroforese de hemoglobina revelou traço falcêmico com HbA1 de 60,6, HbA2 de 5,1 e Hbfetal de 0,1. Your doctor may order this test if you show any of the signs and symptoms of mono. Symptoms typically last for one to four weeks, but they can last up to three to four months in some cases. They include: OVírus Epstein-Barr(VEB) é umvírusdafamília da herpes, e um dos vírus mais comuns em humanos.
Exame epstein barr - We report a case of acute Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection in which the clinical syndrome and pattern of F-18-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) uptake mimicked malignant lymphoma. A 53-yr-old man presented with 2 wk of high fevers, night sweats, sinus congestion and severe fatigue. The patient was treated for 1 wk with broad-spectrum antibiotics for acute sinusitis without any improvement. Persistence of fevers and presence of abnormal lymphadenopathy seen on the abdominal computed tomography (CT) were concerning lymphoma with B symptoms. FDG positron emission tomography (PET) showed avid FDG uptake in numerous abdominal/pelvic nodes, liver, spleen and bone marrow. These findings were highly suspicious for lymphoma. Patient underwent a pelvic lymph node biopsy which showed large granular lymphocytes that were predominantly T cells. Bone marrow biopsy showed diffuse infiltration with plasmocytoid cells that were not kappa lambda restricted. Additional diagnostic workup became available showing positive EBV IgM titers and negative IgG levels indicating acute infectious mononucleosis. Lymph node biopsy stained positively with EBV-encoded RNA. We concluded that patient's abnormal FDG PET was most likely secondary to acute EBV infection. After 2 months, follow-up FDG PET/CT showed marked improvement in lymphadenopathy and decreased hypermetabolic activity in the liver and spleen. Other than EBV, there are many other FDG-avid non-malignant conditions that may lead to false-positive PET scans. FDG accumulates in inflamed and infected lesions with increased glucose metabolism. This case underscores the importance of maintaining a broad differential and restricting use of PET scans for staging.
Airway compromise occurs in less than 5 of persons with A case series of 36 children hospitalized with the syndrome showed a trend toward a higher risk of needing consultation for airway management in children younger than six As with any test, false-positive and false-negative results do happen. A false-positive test result shows that you have a disease when you actually dont. A false-negative test result indicates that you dont have a disease when you really do. Ask your doctor about any follow-up procedures or steps that can help make sure your test results are accurate. Glucocorticoids decrease the severity of sore throat associated with IM only in the first 12 hours of treatment. These medications have not been shown to decrease the severity or length of illness, and are not superior to other analgesic modalities for throat pain. Antiviral therapy with acyclovir (Zovirax) is not effective in decreasing the length or severity of IM, as monotherapy or in combination with glucocorticoid therapy. Valacyclovir (Valtrex) can decrease oral viral shedding, but this does not translate to any clinical benefit. Primary infection in childhood is less prevalent in areas of higher socioeconomic status and better sanitary conditions.7,8 However, in developing countries and locations with lower socioeconomic status, most EBV infections occur in childhood. Infection is rare during the first year of life because of passive immunity received from maternal antibodies.8 The incidence of EBV infection in teenagers has decreased over recent years.9 In older adults, EBV infection often does not progress to The annual incidence of IM in those younger than 10 years or older than 30 years is less than one case per 1,000