A responsabilidade objetiva no CDC: entenda como funciona
An outbreak of Zika virus infection, a flavivirus transmitted by
Aedes mosquitoes, was first recognized in northeastern
Brazil in early 2015. In September, a sharp increase in the
number of reported cases of microcephaly was reported in areas
affected by the outbreak. É muito importante que o cidadão
conheça seus direitos, para que assim, possa reivindicá-los
quando houver necessidade. Entretanto, a maioria da população
brasileira não conhece as leis como deveria. Por isso, as
empresas praticam abusos, desobedecendo o Código de Defesa do
Consumidor, com práticas abusivas, que lesam os direitos dos
clientes nas relações comerciais. A obrigação de indenizar sem
culpa nasce por ministério da lei, para certos casos, por duas
razões: a primeira, seria a consideração de que certas atividades
do homem criam um risco especial para os outros, e a segunda, a
consideração de que o exercício de determinados direitos deve
implicar a obrigação de ressarcir os danos que origina. A
Convenção é guiada por quatro princípios gerais:
a não discriminação (artigo 2º), o melhor interesse da criança
(artigo 3º), o direito à vida, à sobrevivência e ao
desenvolvimento (artigo 6º) e o direito de ser ouvida e levada a
sério (artigo 12).
Saiba mais sobre os artigos do Código de Defesa do Consumidor e conheça seus direitos.
Com isso, o legislador deslocou sua preocupação que até então era a de atender ao interesse dos prestadores e, com a inovação legal, passou a ser a de atender às necessidades da vítima, para que estas não fiquem sem reparação. Portanto, é necessário entender que o judiciário somente se move quando é acionado. Para isso, é imprescindível que conheça seus direitos. O primeiro passo é ler e entender o Código de Defesa do Consumidor. Em caso de dúvida, ou quando sentir que seu direito tenha sido lesado entre em contato com o PROCON, ou vá até o Juizado Especial de Pequenas Causas e busque orientações. É com base neste parágrafo que a figura da responsabilidade objetiva foi inserida no direito brasileiro. Sendo assim, é direcionada aos fornecedores e prestadores de serviços por meio do Código de Defesa do Consumidor. A comprehensive protocol for notification and investigation of all infants with microcephaly and all women with suspected Zika virus infection during pregnancy was developed by the MoH and implemented nationwide.
Artigo 12 do cdc - Most (75.0) of the participants received one or more doses of vaccine during the study period (Table 1); 477 (12.1) received their first dose and had not received their second dose by the end of the study period, and 2,479 (62.8) received both recommended mRNA vaccine doses. Most (60.5) were vaccinated with their first dose during December 1431, 2020. Both mRNA vaccine products were administered to participants in all locations but differed in the timing of their availability; 62.7 of vaccinated participants received Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and 29.6 received Moderna vaccine. The remaining mRNA vaccines (7.7) are pending product verification. Receipt of at least one vaccine dose was significantly higher among participants who were female, White, non-Hispanic, health care personnel, or living in Minnesota or Oregon; vaccine coverage was lowest in Florida (Table 1).
Vale leitura do artigo 12 doCDC - Lei nº de 11 de Setembro de 1990no que diz o seguinte: - Logo, para não ser vítima das práticas irregulares realizadas pelas empresas, é necessário ter o conhecimento sobre os direitos e deveres que a lei impõe sobre as relações entre empresa e consumidor.
In addition, the Brazilian Society of Medical Genetics established the Zika Embryopathy Task Force (SBGMZETF), which includes clinical geneticists, obstetricians, pediatricians, neurologists, and radiologists, to review all incident cases of microcephaly as well as all infants born to mothers with suspected Zika virus infection during pregnancy. Task force members collect data concerning the pregnancy (including exposure history, symptoms, and laboratory testing), physical examination of the infant, and any additional studies using a standardized spreadsheet. Microcephaly was defined as neonatal head circumference 2 SD below the mean for gestational age and sex of the infant at birth. Infection with Zika virus is difficult to confirm retrospectively because serological immunological tests might cross-react with other flaviviruses, especially dengue virus (6). Therefore a mothers report of a rash illness during pregnancy was used as a proxy indicator of potential Zika virus infection. During the 116,657 person-days when participants were unvaccinated, 161 PCR-confirmed infections were identified (incidence rate=,000 person-days). During the 13 days after first-dose or second-dose vaccination when immune status was considered indeterminate (67,483 person-days), 33 PCR-confirmed infections were identified and excluded from the outcome.
Two sources of partially immunized person-days were reported. Five PCR-confirmed infections were reported during 15,868 person-days 14 days after their first dose among those who did not receive their second dose during the study period; three PCR-confirmed infections were reported during 25,988 person-days 14 days after the first dose and through receipt of the second dose. Taken together, this represents eight PCR-confirmed infections that occurred during 41,856 person-days with partial immunization (14 days after first dose and before second dose; incidence rate=,000 person-days). Three PCR-confirmed infections occurred during 78,902 person-days with full immunization (14 days after second dose; incidence rate=,000 person-days). Estimated adjusted vaccine effectiveness of full immunization was 90 (95 confidence interval [CI]=6897); vaccine effectiveness of partial immunization was 80 (95 CI=5990) (Table 2). In sensitivity analyses, inclusion of other covariates (sex, age, ethnicity, and occupation) were entered individually in the vaccine effectiveness model; the change in vaccine effectiveness point estimates were <3.
Prevention strategies established by the MoH include aggressive efforts to eliminate mosquito breeding areas by removing standing water containers, as well as recommendations for personal protective measures, including preventing mosquito bites among pregnant women by applying insect repellents, wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants, and using mosquito nets, as well as risk communication and community mobilization (3). Pregnant and lactating women can use all EPA-registered insect repellents according to the product label. Portanto, nos casos em que o consumidor sofrer qualquer espécie de dano decorrente de defeito no produto, na prestação de serviços ou ainda da falta de informações adequadas acerca dos mesmos, caberá a ele comprovar tão somente a conduta (ou seja, ação ou omissão do fornecedor), a existência de dano e o nexo causal entre ambos. Partial immunization (14 days after first dose but before second dose) provided preventive benefits with vaccine effectiveness of 80. This finding is similar to an analysis of Phase III trial results (1,2,7) and two other recent estimates of vaccine effectiveness for partial immunization with Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine among health care personnel, including a vaccine effectiveness (21 days after first dose) of 72 (95 CI=5886) against PCR-confirmed infection identified by routine testing in the United Kingdom (4) and a vaccine effectiveness (>14 days after first dose) of 60 (95 CI=3874) against PCR-confirmed infection identified by records review in Israel (5). This finding is also consistent with early descriptive findings of SARS-CoV-2 employee and clinical testing results by mRNA vaccination status in the United States (8,9).