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Não realizaram exame de Papanicolau nos últimos três anos, enquanto apenas 11,8 das mulheres com doze ou mais anos de estudo não o fizeram. Instagram: TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF Você está com o Papanicolau em dia? O exame deve ser realizado periodicamente (no máximo a cada três anos) por. "inflammation beside a fingernail," 1590s, from Latin, from Greek paronykhia "whitlow," from para- "beside" (see para- (1)) onyx "nail" (see nail (n.

"light, portable screen or canopy carried to shield from the sun," 1610s, from French parasol (1570s), from Italian parasole, literally "protection from the sun," from para- "defense against" (see para- (2)) sole "sun," from Latin solem (nominative sol. Proprietary name for a type of automatic firearm, 1904 (Mauser & Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken), from Latin phrase si vis pacem, para bellum, from para, imperative of parare "to prepare" (from PIE root pere- (1) "to produce, procure") bellum "war" (see bellicose).

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), or directly from Italian parapetto, from para- "defense" (see para- (2)) petto "breast," from Latin pectus (see pectoral (adj. "involving the introduction of a substance into the body other than by the alimentary tract," 1905, from para- (1) Greek enteron "intestine" (see enteric). "online journal," 1998, short for weblog (which is attested from 1993 but in the sense "file containing a detailed record of each request received by a web server"), from (World Wide) Web (n.

"the placing of clauses one after another without connecting words to indicate their relation," 1838, from Greek parataxis "a placing side by side, a placing in line of battle," from stem of paratassein "to place side by side," from para- "beside" (see para- (1)) tassein "to arrange" (see tactics). "faulty action, blunder," 1904, from Modern Latin, from para-, here meaning "contrary" (see para- (1)) Greek praxis "a doing, transaction, business" (see praxis). Dominant online service of the late 1990s, initialism (acronym) of America Online, a company name attested from late 1989.

Also para-state, "institution or body which takes on some of the roles of civil government," 1959, from para- (1) "beside" state (n. "partial or incomplete paralysis," as that affecting motion but not sensation, 1690s, Modern Latin, from Greek paresis "slackening of strength, paralysis," literally "a letting go," from stem of parienai "to let go," from para- (see para- (1)) hienai "to send, throw" (from PIE root ye- "to throw, impel").

"mock-sun, an intensification of light on the solar halo," 1640s, from Greek parhelion "a mock-sun," from assimilated form of para- "beside" (see para- (1)) hēlios "sun" (from PIE root sawel- "the sun"). Further colloquialized in British university slang to congratters (1895) and in online gamer chat shortened to grats (by 2000). That which protects from," from Italian para, imperative of parare "to ward off," from Latin parare "make ready" (from PIE root pere- (1) "to produce, procure").


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